Arabic PPC Service

Arabic Search Engine Marketing (SEM) - Google Ads

Paid advertising (PPC) remains the most effective way to get ideal customers to your website in the Middle East. The well-Structured and optimized custom Arabic Google Ads campaigns will effectively reach your potential Arabic-speaking customers, maximise website traffic and drive conversions.

At GOTOMENA, we specialize in providing comprehensive Arabic PPC solutions, including Arabic Google Ads, Arabic search ads, and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) tailored to the unique needs of the Middle East region.

Arabic PPC Company

Can help bring you more traffic, more customers, and more revenues!

We can help you to structure, manage and optimize your Google Ads PPC campaigns in Arabic for the Middle East. GOTOMENA has the unique market knowledge of the region combined with an advanced understanding of digital marketing and user behaviour.

Your Arabic search campaign needs to be both engaging to the Arab website visitor and competitive on Google CPC. So this is why it is ideal to have a native Arabic PPC agency with a team of people who are specialized in getting Middle East PPC results.

Why do you need a specialist agency to run your Arabic PPC campaigns?

Doing PPC/SEM in Arabic for targeting poses several challenges due to the unique characteristics of the Arabic language and cultural factors in the Middle East region.

Despite these challenges, investing in PPC for Arabic targeting campaigns can be highly rewarding, considering the vast potential of the Arabic-speaking market, especially in the Middle East and North Africa region. To overcome these challenges, it's important to work with professionals who understand the language, culture, and intricacies of Arabic paid search campaigns.

Our Arabic PPC - SEM Services & Solutions

In-Depth Arabic Keyword Research:

  • Targeted Keywords: We perform thorough research to identify high-performing Arabic keywords, ensuring your ads reach the right audience. This includes both generic and long-tail keywords, customized to reflect the linguistic nuances of various Arabic dialects.
  • Cultural Relevance: Our keyword strategy is culturally informed, understanding the specific terms and phrases that resonate with Arabic-speaking consumers.

Effective Ad Campaigns:

  • Creative Ad Development: We craft compelling and culturally sensitive ad copies for your Arabic Google Ads campaigns, including Responsive Search Ads (RSA), Performance Max (PMax), Dynamic Search Ads (DSA), and comprehensive use of asset extensions. Our ads are designed to engage and persuade, reflecting the unique preferences of the Arabic market.
  • Localized PPC Arabic Ads: From crafting the perfect message to ensuring a seamless user experience, our ads are designed to meet the expectations and preferences of the Middle Eastern audience.

Campaign Management and Optimization:

  • A/B Testing and Metrics Optimization: To continually improve performance, we conduct A/B testing on ad variations and optimize key metrics such as search impression share, impressions, clicks, CTR (Click-Through Rate), cost, conversions, CPA (Cost Per Acquisition), and CPC (Cost Per Click). This data-driven approach ensures that your campaigns are constantly refined for maximum effectiveness.
  • Strategic Bidding and Budget Allocation: We optimize your bids and manage your budget effectively to maximize the ROI of your Arabic search ads. Our team continuously monitors and adjusts campaigns to maintain top performance.
  • Detailed Analytics and Reporting: Our analytics tools provide deep insights into campaign performance, allowing for data-driven decisions to refine and enhance your PPC strategies.

Landing Page Optimisation and CRO:

  • Localised Content: We ensure that your landing pages are fully optimised for the Arabic market, including appropriate language, right-to-left text alignment, and culturally relevant content.
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO): Our landing pages are designed to convert visitors into customers, with clear calls-to-action and user-friendly interfaces that enhance the user experience and encourage engagement.

We are a specialist

Arabic PPC-SEM Agency

We specialist in targeting the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region and acquiring Arabic speaking customers worldwide. As an Arab focused agency we obsess about understanding Arab behaviour online and offline. Having worked successfully with a variety of businesses in Europe, United Kingdom, and United States to increase their sales the MENA region, we know the strategies, tactics, and channels that can bring you success too.

  • Expertise in Middle East PPC: Our team has extensive experience in the MENA region, offering insights and strategies that are specific to Arabic-speaking markets.
  • Comprehensive Service: Beyond PPC, we provide a full spectrum of Arabic SEM services, including SEO and content marketing, to ensure a holistic approach to your digital marketing efforts.
  • Proven Success: We have a track record of helping international businesses succeed in the Middle East through tailored and effective PPC campaigns.

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Arabic Marketing Agency Company

Know More About Arabic PPC & SEM

  • Collecting Seed Keywords: Identifying the initial keywords that are relevant to business objectives. The list is mainly created by the business owner to define their niche and to identify the local competitors.
  • Keywords Exploring: Expanding the initial list by using keywords tools in order to collect proper key terms based on search volume and relevancy.
  • Keyword Categorization: Dividing the Arabic keywords based on different categories (Branded Keywords, Industry Keywords, Transactional Keywords, Informative Keywords).
  • Keywords Types: Allocating keywords based on the variation of the type (Long-tail keywords, Short Tail Keywords)
  • Keywords Priorities: Setting up the keywords priorities based on volume, level of competition, relevancy to services/products, relevancy to landing pages, bidding rate, and more.
  • Keywords Tracking: Implementing the keywords tracking tools and assigning keywords to the dedicated landing pages.
  • Keywords Strategy: Providing an Arabic keywords strategy for Organic SEO and PPC for each market.
  • Localizing keywords in Arabic (Not translation) by conducting culture customization for each market based on the local dialects.
  • Conducting extensive research in the local market in order to define the proper Arabic keywords used by the local consumer.
  • Defining the top relevant keywords for the Arabic consumer whether it is a local term, transcreation, or transcripted.
  • Expanding the localized list by adding relevant local seasons, holidays, and trends that are required from the digital campaign managers.
  • Setting up the localized Arabic keywords into different categories based on marketing and advertising landscape for each market and the most effective tactics.
  • Building SEO-based PR and content marketing strategies for each target market.

The Arabic language is the spoken language of 25 countries that extend from the Arabic Gulf all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. While Standard Arabic is the official language of education and business communication, there are so many dialects and cultural differences between Arabic countries.

  • Different search habits: The audience across Arabic countries have different local slangs and definitions, culture, and purchasing habits. Therefore, it is important to define your target markets before running keyword research on conducting a website copywriting.
  • Diversity in consumer persona: The Arabs are not considered as one type of consumer. Purchasing power and shopping habits change rapidly between markets such as GCC and Egypt or Morocco or Lebanon. The SEO content should address the consumer before stepping into optimization. This diverse market requires professional Arabic SEO services that can address the consumer persona and optimize according to it.
  • Arabic technical barriers: the Arabic language is well known for technical problems such as issues with UX, scripts, and even Google Search. Google search engine had tremendous efforts to enhance its Arabic algorithm. However, there is some gaps that require sophisticated Arabic SEO expert to address any potential issues with internal linking and technical SEO.
  • Localization is not an easy task: Translating into Arabic requires a high-quality translation agency. However, translators might use complicated terms that are not suitable for easy reading and online users. Localization requires extensive country-based keyword research to understand the popularity of terms as well as proper culture customization. Arabic websites require complete modifications to be able to address the local consumer and convert them. Arabic SEO services is a must in the process, and it provides a great help in customizing the experience for a better online journey that really match the customer search habits.
  • Lack of quality content: The most common issues with Arabic SEO that companies are not investing in creating original content. Even local companies invest in creating a smaller version of their English website. Arabic SEO requires extensive content in order to achieve better rank which companies doesn’t provide

Arabic PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a digital advertising model where advertisers pay each time their ads are clicked by users. It’s particularly effective for targeting Arabic-speaking audiences in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. By using Arabic PPC, businesses can reach a vast and growing market, enhance brand visibility, and drive targeted traffic to their websites, leading to higher conversions and sales.

GOTOMENA optimises Arabic PPC campaigns through several strategies:

  • Keyword Research: Identifying high-performing Arabic keywords that resonate with your target audience.
  • Ad Copy and Extensions: Creating engaging and culturally relevant ad copies, including RSA, PMax, DSA formats, and using asset extensions.
  • A/B Testing and Metrics Optimisation: Continuously testing ad variations and optimising metrics like CTR, CPC, and CPA to improve campaign performance.
  • Budget and Bid Management: Efficiently managing budgets and bids to maximise ROI.

Language and culture are crucial in Arabic PPC. The Arabic language has various dialects and script complexities, making localisation important. Cultural factors, such as religious and social norms, also influence consumer behavior and ad reception. GOTOMENA ensures that all campaigns are culturally appropriate and sensitive to these nuances, enhancing the effectiveness of your ads.

Landing page optimisation (LPO) in Arabic PPC involves creating pages that are tailored to the Arabic-speaking audience. This includes:

  • Content Localisation: Translating and culturally adapting content.
  • Design Considerations: Ensuring right-to-left (RTL) text alignment and appropriate use of imagery.
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO): Enhancing user experience to increase the likelihood of conversions.

Success in Arabic PPC campaigns can be measured using various metrics, including:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of users who click on your ad after seeing it.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): The average amount you pay for each click on your ad.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of clicks that result in a desired action, like a purchase or sign-up.
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): The cost associated with acquiring a customer or lead.
  • Search Impression Share: The percentage of impressions your ads receive compared to the total available in the market.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Measures the profitability of your PPC campaigns relative to their cost.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Calculates the revenue generated for every dollar spent on PPC ads.
  • Impressions: The total number of times your ads are displayed to users.

GOTOMENA stands out due to its deep understanding of the MENA region’s cultural and linguistic diversity, combined with extensive experience in digital marketing. Our team of native Arabic speakers and digital marketing experts ensures that campaigns are not only linguistically accurate but also culturally resonant, resulting in more effective marketing strategies and better ROI for our clients.